

I’m Opeyemi or “Ope” for short and this is OPENBORDERS. I am a young traveler at heart, so why not document all the amazing destinations? From a young age, I’ve been blessed enough to travel to different places, usually to visit family in London or Nigeria. As I’ve gotten older (and been exposed to Twitter, Instagram, and the like) I’ve realized that I haven’t even scratched the surface of traveling yet. I always used to say I couldn’t wait to get older (and richer) so I could travel the world, but why wait? Time seems to be on fast forward and every time I blink, it seems I’m a year older. Over the past few years, I’ve been more intentional about taking trips to new, distinctive places. The desire to discover is insatiable and I know I’m just getting started.

Established in August 2018, this blog is a platform to share the good, bad, and utter nightmares that come with traveling the world. OPENBORDERS is a growing community of globetrotters with a serious case of the travel bug. There’s only one cure and I think we all know what it is. But good news – you’ve come to the right place to get it. The only way to get rid of the bug is to travel, so let’s get to it!

As a London-based masters student, it can be difficult to find the time and money for these excursions. But it’s definitely not impossible and I’ll show you how. I’ll share tips and tricks on taking a luxurious vacation, without draining your bank account. As the queen of overpacking (who is actively trying to get delivered), I’ll let you know what not to pack for a short getaway. Need an idea of what activities to plan? I got you, too! I can’t promise to provide your every travel need, but I can promise you this – my candid take on travel.

There are still plenty of borders to cross, and it would be an honor if you joined me on these adventures!